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Вы ввели слово: "DANCE"

танец, пляска, хоровод, пляс, бал, танцевальная, музыка, танцевальный, вечер, танцевальное, искусство, танцулька, хореография, танцевать, плясать, потанцевать, станцевать, отплясывать, протанцевать, затанцевать, сплясать, поплясать, приплясывать, хореографический, танцевальный, плясовой

ind con imp inf

Реализовано с помощью сервиса «API «Яндекс.Словарь»


dancing round dance ball dance music dance evening dance art choreography have a dance choreographic



I dance
you dance
he dances
we dance
you dance
they dance

Present continuous

I am dancing
you are dancing
he is dancing
we are dancing
you are dancing
they are dancing

Past simple

I have danced
you have danced
he has danced
we have danced
you have danced
they have danced

Past continuous

I have been dancing
you have been dancing
he has been dancing
we have been dancing
you have been dancing
they have been dancing

Present perfect

I will dance
you will dance
he will dance
we will dance
you will dance
they will dance

Present perfect continuous

I will be dancing
you will be dancing
he will be dancing
we will be dancing
you will be dancing
they will be dancing

Past perfect

I will have danced
you will have danced
he will have danced
we will have danced
you will have danced
they will have danced

Past perfect continuous

I will have been dancing
you will have been dancing
he will have been dancing
we will have been dancing
you will have been dancing
they will have been dancing


I danced
you danced
he danced
we danced
you danced
they danced

Future continuous

I had danced
you had danced
he had danced
we had danced
you had danced
they had danced

Future perfect

I had been dancing
you had been dancing
he had been dancing
we had been dancing
you had been dancing
they had been dancing

Future perfect continuous

I was dancing
you were dancing
he was dancing
we were dancing
you were dancing
they were dancing



I would dance
you would dance
he would dance
we would dance
you would dance
they would dance

Present continuous

I would be dancing
you would be dancing
he would be dancing
we would be dancing
you would be dancing
they would be dancing


I would have danced
you would have danced
he would have danced
we would have danced
you would have danced
they would have danced

Past continuous

I would have been dancing
you would have been dancing
he would have been dancing
we would have been dancing
you would have been dancing
they would have been dancing

Imperative Infinitive Яндекс.Метрика


Let's dance


to dance