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Английский спрягатель | Испанский спрягатель | французский спрягатель

Вы ввели слово: "ABUSE"

злоупотребление, оскорбление, жестокое, обращение, надругательство, издевательство, плохое, обращение, дурное, обращение, брань, ругань, нарушение, правонарушение, насилие, жестокость, токсикомания, посягательство, совращение, ругательство, поругание, оскорблять, ругать, поносить, бранить, злоупотреблять, злоупотребить, жестоко, обращаться, плохо, обращаться, нарушаться, надругаться

ind con imp inf

Реализовано с помощью сервиса «API «Яндекс.Словарь»


misuse insult mistreatment outrage harassment invective cursing violation violence cruelty substance abuse encroachment seduction curse desecration scold revile



I abuse
you abuse
he abuses
we abuse
you abuse
they abuse

Present continuous

I am abusing
you are abusing
he is abusing
we are abusing
you are abusing
they are abusing

Past simple

I have abused
you have abused
he has abused
we have abused
you have abused
they have abused

Past continuous

I have been abusing
you have been abusing
he has been abusing
we have been abusing
you have been abusing
they have been abusing

Present perfect

I will abuse
you will abuse
he will abuse
we will abuse
you will abuse
they will abuse

Present perfect continuous

I will be abusing
you will be abusing
he will be abusing
we will be abusing
you will be abusing
they will be abusing

Past perfect

I will have abused
you will have abused
he will have abused
we will have abused
you will have abused
they will have abused

Past perfect continuous

I will have been abusing
you will have been abusing
he will have been abusing
we will have been abusing
you will have been abusing
they will have been abusing


I abused
you abused
he abused
we abused
you abused
they abused

Future continuous

I had abused
you had abused
he had abused
we had abused
you had abused
they had abused

Future perfect

I had been abusing
you had been abusing
he had been abusing
we had been abusing
you had been abusing
they had been abusing

Future perfect continuous

I was abusing
you were abusing
he was abusing
we were abusing
you were abusing
they were abusing



I would abuse
you would abuse
he would abuse
we would abuse
you would abuse
they would abuse

Present continuous

I would be abusing
you would be abusing
he would be abusing
we would be abusing
you would be abusing
they would be abusing


I would have abused
you would have abused
he would have abused
we would have abused
you would have abused
they would have abused

Past continuous

I would have been abusing
you would have been abusing
he would have been abusing
we would have been abusing
you would have been abusing
they would have been abusing

Imperative Infinitive Яндекс.Метрика


Let's abuse


to abuse