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  • английский глагол(инфинитив) - Мы проспрягаем его
  • цифру(0,1,2...9) или число(11,100,132...) - Мы напишем прописью
  • также можно ввести любое слово на английском языке - Мы переведем его)

Английский спрягатель | Испанский спрягатель | французский спрягатель

Вы ввели слово: "ADOPT"

принять, принимать, перенимать, перенять, приять, усыновлять, усыновить, удочерить, удочерять, утверждать, утвердить, одобрить, усваивать, усвоить, освоить, применять, применить, внедрить, внедрять, адаптировать, адоптировать, придерживаться, заимствовать, принимать, на, вооружение

ind con imp inf

Реализовано с помощью сервиса «API «Яндекс.Словарь»


take accept take over affiliate approve assimilate learn implement introduce adapt adhere borrow



I adopt
you adopt
he adopts
we adopt
you adopt
they adopt

Present continuous

I am adopting
you are adopting
he is adopting
we are adopting
you are adopting
they are adopting

Past simple

I have adopted
you have adopted
he has adopted
we have adopted
you have adopted
they have adopted

Past continuous

I have been adopting
you have been adopting
he has been adopting
we have been adopting
you have been adopting
they have been adopting

Present perfect

I will adopt
you will adopt
he will adopt
we will adopt
you will adopt
they will adopt

Present perfect continuous

I will be adopting
you will be adopting
he will be adopting
we will be adopting
you will be adopting
they will be adopting

Past perfect

I will have adopted
you will have adopted
he will have adopted
we will have adopted
you will have adopted
they will have adopted

Past perfect continuous

I will have been adopting
you will have been adopting
he will have been adopting
we will have been adopting
you will have been adopting
they will have been adopting


I adopted
you adopted
he adopted
we adopted
you adopted
they adopted

Future continuous

I had adopted
you had adopted
he had adopted
we had adopted
you had adopted
they had adopted

Future perfect

I had been adopting
you had been adopting
he had been adopting
we had been adopting
you had been adopting
they had been adopting

Future perfect continuous

I was adopting
you were adopting
he was adopting
we were adopting
you were adopting
they were adopting



I would adopt
you would adopt
he would adopt
we would adopt
you would adopt
they would adopt

Present continuous

I would be adopting
you would be adopting
he would be adopting
we would be adopting
you would be adopting
they would be adopting


I would have adopted
you would have adopted
he would have adopted
we would have adopted
you would have adopted
they would have adopted

Past continuous

I would have been adopting
you would have been adopting
he would have been adopting
we would have been adopting
you would have been adopting
they would have been adopting

Imperative Infinitive Яндекс.Метрика


Let's adopt


to adopt