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Вы ввели слово: "CHEER"

ободрить, подбадривать, подбодрить, взбодрить, приободрить, веселить, развеселить, радоваться, ликовать, веселиться, аплодировать, приветствовать, болеть, порадовать, обрадовать, поднять, ободриться, взбодриться, развеселиться, аплодисменты, одобрительные, возгласы, возглас, радостный, возглас, настроение, радость, приветственное, восклицание, бодрость, выкрики, ура

ind con imp inf

Реализовано с помощью сервиса «API «Яндекс.Словарь»


encourage rejoice amuse applaud greet sick happy delight lift take courage cheer up applause shout mood joy cheerfulness shouting hurrah



I cheer
you cheer
he cheers
we cheer
you cheer
they cheer

Present continuous

I am cheering
you are cheering
he is cheering
we are cheering
you are cheering
they are cheering

Past simple

I have cheered
you have cheered
he has cheered
we have cheered
you have cheered
they have cheered

Past continuous

I have been cheering
you have been cheering
he has been cheering
we have been cheering
you have been cheering
they have been cheering

Present perfect

I will cheer
you will cheer
he will cheer
we will cheer
you will cheer
they will cheer

Present perfect continuous

I will be cheering
you will be cheering
he will be cheering
we will be cheering
you will be cheering
they will be cheering

Past perfect

I will have cheered
you will have cheered
he will have cheered
we will have cheered
you will have cheered
they will have cheered

Past perfect continuous

I will have been cheering
you will have been cheering
he will have been cheering
we will have been cheering
you will have been cheering
they will have been cheering


I cheered
you cheered
he cheered
we cheered
you cheered
they cheered

Future continuous

I had cheered
you had cheered
he had cheered
we had cheered
you had cheered
they had cheered

Future perfect

I had been cheering
you had been cheering
he had been cheering
we had been cheering
you had been cheering
they had been cheering

Future perfect continuous

I was cheering
you were cheering
he was cheering
we were cheering
you were cheering
they were cheering



I would cheer
you would cheer
he would cheer
we would cheer
you would cheer
they would cheer

Present continuous

I would be cheering
you would be cheering
he would be cheering
we would be cheering
you would be cheering
they would be cheering


I would have cheered
you would have cheered
he would have cheered
we would have cheered
you would have cheered
they would have cheered

Past continuous

I would have been cheering
you would have been cheering
he would have been cheering
we would have been cheering
you would have been cheering
they would have been cheering

Imperative Infinitive Яндекс.Метрика


Let's cheer


to cheer