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  • цифру(0,1,2...9) или число(11,100,132...) - Мы напишем прописью
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Вы ввели слово: "COOL"

крутой, классный, клевый, прикольный, крутейший, прохладный, холодный, хладнокровный, отличный, замечательный, интересный, холодноватый, остыть, остынуть, остывать, охладиться, охладеть, охлаждать, охладить, остудить, остужать, прохлада, охлаждение, остывание, хладнокровие, крутость, классно

ind con imp inf

Реализовано с помощью сервиса «API «Яндекс.Словарь»


steep classroom really cool cold chilly calm great wonderful interesting coldish cool down chill cooling



I cool
you cool
he cools
we cool
you cool
they cool

Present continuous

I am cooling
you are cooling
he is cooling
we are cooling
you are cooling
they are cooling

Past simple

I have cooled
you have cooled
he has cooled
we have cooled
you have cooled
they have cooled

Past continuous

I have been cooling
you have been cooling
he has been cooling
we have been cooling
you have been cooling
they have been cooling

Present perfect

I will cool
you will cool
he will cool
we will cool
you will cool
they will cool

Present perfect continuous

I will be cooling
you will be cooling
he will be cooling
we will be cooling
you will be cooling
they will be cooling

Past perfect

I will have cooled
you will have cooled
he will have cooled
we will have cooled
you will have cooled
they will have cooled

Past perfect continuous

I will have been cooling
you will have been cooling
he will have been cooling
we will have been cooling
you will have been cooling
they will have been cooling


I cooled
you cooled
he cooled
we cooled
you cooled
they cooled

Future continuous

I had cooled
you had cooled
he had cooled
we had cooled
you had cooled
they had cooled

Future perfect

I had been cooling
you had been cooling
he had been cooling
we had been cooling
you had been cooling
they had been cooling

Future perfect continuous

I was cooling
you were cooling
he was cooling
we were cooling
you were cooling
they were cooling



I would cool
you would cool
he would cool
we would cool
you would cool
they would cool

Present continuous

I would be cooling
you would be cooling
he would be cooling
we would be cooling
you would be cooling
they would be cooling


I would have cooled
you would have cooled
he would have cooled
we would have cooled
you would have cooled
they would have cooled

Past continuous

I would have been cooling
you would have been cooling
he would have been cooling
we would have been cooling
you would have been cooling
they would have been cooling

Imperative Infinitive Яндекс.Метрика


Let's cool


to cool