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Вы ввели слово: "CRAFT"

ремесло, искусство, мастерство, поделка, народный, промысел, ремесленничество, прикладное, искусство, ремесленные, изделия, кустарный, промысел, самолет, ловкость, хитрость, судно, корабль, плавсредство, суденышко, профессия, катер, лодка, промысел, аппарат, изделие, ремесленник, плавучие, средства, ремесленный, кустарный, цеховой

ind con imp inf

Реализовано с помощью сервиса «API «Яндекс.Словарь»


handicraft art skill applied art cottage industry plane dexterity trick vessel ship little craft profession boat fishing apparatus article craftsman floating equipment



I craft
you craft
he crafts
we craft
you craft
they craft

Present continuous

I am crafting
you are crafting
he is crafting
we are crafting
you are crafting
they are crafting

Past simple

I have crafted
you have crafted
he has crafted
we have crafted
you have crafted
they have crafted

Past continuous

I have been crafting
you have been crafting
he has been crafting
we have been crafting
you have been crafting
they have been crafting

Present perfect

I will craft
you will craft
he will craft
we will craft
you will craft
they will craft

Present perfect continuous

I will be crafting
you will be crafting
he will be crafting
we will be crafting
you will be crafting
they will be crafting

Past perfect

I will have crafted
you will have crafted
he will have crafted
we will have crafted
you will have crafted
they will have crafted

Past perfect continuous

I will have been crafting
you will have been crafting
he will have been crafting
we will have been crafting
you will have been crafting
they will have been crafting


I crafted
you crafted
he crafted
we crafted
you crafted
they crafted

Future continuous

I had crafted
you had crafted
he had crafted
we had crafted
you had crafted
they had crafted

Future perfect

I had been crafting
you had been crafting
he had been crafting
we had been crafting
you had been crafting
they had been crafting

Future perfect continuous

I was crafting
you were crafting
he was crafting
we were crafting
you were crafting
they were crafting



I would craft
you would craft
he would craft
we would craft
you would craft
they would craft

Present continuous

I would be crafting
you would be crafting
he would be crafting
we would be crafting
you would be crafting
they would be crafting


I would have crafted
you would have crafted
he would have crafted
we would have crafted
you would have crafted
they would have crafted

Past continuous

I would have been crafting
you would have been crafting
he would have been crafting
we would have been crafting
you would have been crafting
they would have been crafting

Imperative Infinitive Яндекс.Метрика


Let's craft


to craft