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Английский спрягатель | Испанский спрягатель | французский спрягатель

Вы ввели слово: "CREEP"

ползать, ползти, подкрадываться, подкрасться, проползти, прокрасться, поползти, проползать, подползти, подползать, пробраться, вползать, заползать, расползаться, подобраться, вползти, заползти, уползти, пролезть, отползти, пресмыкаться, вкрасться, закрадываться, вкрадываться, проникать, лезть, ползучесть, мурашки, ползучий

ind con imp inf

Реализовано с помощью сервиса «API «Яндекс.Словарь»


crawl sneak snuck steal up grovel slip creep in penetrate climb creeping



I creep
you creep
he creeps
we creep
you creep
they creep

Present continuous

I am creeping
you are creeping
he is creeping
we are creeping
you are creeping
they are creeping

Past simple

I have crept
you have crept
he has crept
we have crept
you have crept
they have crept

Past continuous

I have been creeping
you have been creeping
he has been creeping
we have been creeping
you have been creeping
they have been creeping

Present perfect

I will creep
you will creep
he will creep
we will creep
you will creep
they will creep

Present perfect continuous

I will be creeping
you will be creeping
he will be creeping
we will be creeping
you will be creeping
they will be creeping

Past perfect

I will have crept
you will have crept
he will have crept
we will have crept
you will have crept
they will have crept

Past perfect continuous

I will have been creeping
you will have been creeping
he will have been creeping
we will have been creeping
you will have been creeping
they will have been creeping


I crept
you crept
he crept
we crept
you crept
they crept

Future continuous

I had crept
you had crept
he had crept
we had crept
you had crept
they had crept

Future perfect

I had been creeping
you had been creeping
he had been creeping
we had been creeping
you had been creeping
they had been creeping

Future perfect continuous

I was creeping
you were creeping
he was creeping
we were creeping
you were creeping
they were creeping



I would creep
you would creep
he would creep
we would creep
you would creep
they would creep

Present continuous

I would be creeping
you would be creeping
he would be creeping
we would be creeping
you would be creeping
they would be creeping


I would have crept
you would have crept
he would have crept
we would have crept
you would have crept
they would have crept

Past continuous

I would have been creeping
you would have been creeping
he would have been creeping
we would have been creeping
you would have been creeping
they would have been creeping

Imperative Infinitive Яндекс.Метрика


Let's creep


to creep