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Английский спрягатель | Испанский спрягатель | французский спрягатель

Вы ввели слово: "DEFECT"

дефект, порок, недостаток, неисправность, изъян, недочет, поломка, недоработка, ошибка, порок, развития, повреждение, брак, нарушение, дефектность, несовершенство, перекос, врожденный, дефект, дезертировать, перебежать, переметнуться, дефектный, неисправный

ind con imp inf

Реализовано с помощью сервиса «API «Яндекс.Словарь»


flaw disadvantage fault breakage error malformation damage marriage violation defectiveness imperfection distortion birth defect desert cross go over defective faulty



I defect
you defect
he defects
we defect
you defect
they defect

Present continuous

I am defecting
you are defecting
he is defecting
we are defecting
you are defecting
they are defecting

Past simple

I have defected
you have defected
he has defected
we have defected
you have defected
they have defected

Past continuous

I have been defecting
you have been defecting
he has been defecting
we have been defecting
you have been defecting
they have been defecting

Present perfect

I will defect
you will defect
he will defect
we will defect
you will defect
they will defect

Present perfect continuous

I will be defecting
you will be defecting
he will be defecting
we will be defecting
you will be defecting
they will be defecting

Past perfect

I will have defected
you will have defected
he will have defected
we will have defected
you will have defected
they will have defected

Past perfect continuous

I will have been defecting
you will have been defecting
he will have been defecting
we will have been defecting
you will have been defecting
they will have been defecting


I defected
you defected
he defected
we defected
you defected
they defected

Future continuous

I had defected
you had defected
he had defected
we had defected
you had defected
they had defected

Future perfect

I had been defecting
you had been defecting
he had been defecting
we had been defecting
you had been defecting
they had been defecting

Future perfect continuous

I was defecting
you were defecting
he was defecting
we were defecting
you were defecting
they were defecting



I would defect
you would defect
he would defect
we would defect
you would defect
they would defect

Present continuous

I would be defecting
you would be defecting
he would be defecting
we would be defecting
you would be defecting
they would be defecting


I would have defected
you would have defected
he would have defected
we would have defected
you would have defected
they would have defected

Past continuous

I would have been defecting
you would have been defecting
he would have been defecting
we would have been defecting
you would have been defecting
they would have been defecting

Imperative Infinitive Яндекс.Метрика


Let's defect


to defect