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Вы ввели слово: "FADE"

увядать, блекнуть, вянуть, угаснуть, угасать, увянуть, затухать, померкнуть, бледнеть, меркнуть, гаснуть, побледнеть, завянуть, выцветать, выгорать, постепенно, исчезать, постепенно, исчезнуть, замирать, поблекнуть, тускнеть, потускнеть, выцвести, исчезать, исчезнуть, пропадать, рассеяться, стираться, стереться, стихнуть, стихать, спадать, ослабнуть, ослабеть, угасание

ind con imp inf

Реализовано с помощью сервиса «API «Яндекс.Словарь»


wither fade away fade out dimmer pale go out burn gradually disappear freeze dim disappear dissipate erase subside weaken fading



I fade
you fade
he fades
we fade
you fade
they fade

Present continuous

I am fading
you are fading
he is fading
we are fading
you are fading
they are fading

Past simple

I have faded
you have faded
he has faded
we have faded
you have faded
they have faded

Past continuous

I have been fading
you have been fading
he has been fading
we have been fading
you have been fading
they have been fading

Present perfect

I will fade
you will fade
he will fade
we will fade
you will fade
they will fade

Present perfect continuous

I will be fading
you will be fading
he will be fading
we will be fading
you will be fading
they will be fading

Past perfect

I will have faded
you will have faded
he will have faded
we will have faded
you will have faded
they will have faded

Past perfect continuous

I will have been fading
you will have been fading
he will have been fading
we will have been fading
you will have been fading
they will have been fading


I faded
you faded
he faded
we faded
you faded
they faded

Future continuous

I had faded
you had faded
he had faded
we had faded
you had faded
they had faded

Future perfect

I had been fading
you had been fading
he had been fading
we had been fading
you had been fading
they had been fading

Future perfect continuous

I was fading
you were fading
he was fading
we were fading
you were fading
they were fading



I would fade
you would fade
he would fade
we would fade
you would fade
they would fade

Present continuous

I would be fading
you would be fading
he would be fading
we would be fading
you would be fading
they would be fading


I would have faded
you would have faded
he would have faded
we would have faded
you would have faded
they would have faded

Past continuous

I would have been fading
you would have been fading
he would have been fading
we would have been fading
you would have been fading
they would have been fading

Imperative Infinitive Яндекс.Метрика


Let's fade


to fade