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Английский спрягатель | Испанский спрягатель | французский спрягатель

Вы ввели слово: "INJURE"

ранить, повредить, травмировать, поранить, причинить, обидеть, калечить, пораниться, оскорбить, покалечить, искалечить, испортить, повреждать, наносить, ущерб, вредить, навредить, наносить, вред, причинять, вред, причинить, вред, получить, травму, наносить, нанести, травму, причинить, зло

ind con imp inf

Реализовано с помощью сервиса «API «Яндекс.Словарь»


wound hurt traumatize maim offend cripple damage harm get hurt cause cause injury



I injure
you injure
he injures
we injure
you injure
they injure

Present continuous

I am injuring
you are injuring
he is injuring
we are injuring
you are injuring
they are injuring

Past simple

I have injured
you have injured
he has injured
we have injured
you have injured
they have injured

Past continuous

I have been injuring
you have been injuring
he has been injuring
we have been injuring
you have been injuring
they have been injuring

Present perfect

I will injure
you will injure
he will injure
we will injure
you will injure
they will injure

Present perfect continuous

I will be injuring
you will be injuring
he will be injuring
we will be injuring
you will be injuring
they will be injuring

Past perfect

I will have injured
you will have injured
he will have injured
we will have injured
you will have injured
they will have injured

Past perfect continuous

I will have been injuring
you will have been injuring
he will have been injuring
we will have been injuring
you will have been injuring
they will have been injuring


I injured
you injured
he injured
we injured
you injured
they injured

Future continuous

I had injured
you had injured
he had injured
we had injured
you had injured
they had injured

Future perfect

I had been injuring
you had been injuring
he had been injuring
we had been injuring
you had been injuring
they had been injuring

Future perfect continuous

I was injuring
you were injuring
he was injuring
we were injuring
you were injuring
they were injuring



I would injure
you would injure
he would injure
we would injure
you would injure
they would injure

Present continuous

I would be injuring
you would be injuring
he would be injuring
we would be injuring
you would be injuring
they would be injuring


I would have injured
you would have injured
he would have injured
we would have injured
you would have injured
they would have injured

Past continuous

I would have been injuring
you would have been injuring
he would have been injuring
we would have been injuring
you would have been injuring
they would have been injuring

Imperative Infinitive Яндекс.Метрика


Let's injure


to injure