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  • английский глагол(инфинитив) - Мы проспрягаем его
  • цифру(0,1,2...9) или число(11,100,132...) - Мы напишем прописью
  • также можно ввести любое слово на английском языке - Мы переведем его)

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Вы ввели слово: "JOKE"

шутка, анекдот, прикол, посмешище, насмешка, острота, шуточка, розыгрыш, хохма, шутить, подшучивать, пошутить, смеяться, подшутить, острить, сострить, отшутиться, шуточный, шутливый

ind con imp inf

Реализовано с помощью сервиса «API «Яндекс.Словарь»


jest anecdote fun mockery sharpness banter drawing trick make a joke laugh practical joke quip crack laugh it off comic



I joke
you joke
he jokes
we joke
you joke
they joke

Present continuous

I am joking
you are joking
he is joking
we are joking
you are joking
they are joking

Past simple

I have joked
you have joked
he has joked
we have joked
you have joked
they have joked

Past continuous

I have been joking
you have been joking
he has been joking
we have been joking
you have been joking
they have been joking

Present perfect

I will joke
you will joke
he will joke
we will joke
you will joke
they will joke

Present perfect continuous

I will be joking
you will be joking
he will be joking
we will be joking
you will be joking
they will be joking

Past perfect

I will have joked
you will have joked
he will have joked
we will have joked
you will have joked
they will have joked

Past perfect continuous

I will have been joking
you will have been joking
he will have been joking
we will have been joking
you will have been joking
they will have been joking


I joked
you joked
he joked
we joked
you joked
they joked

Future continuous

I had joked
you had joked
he had joked
we had joked
you had joked
they had joked

Future perfect

I had been joking
you had been joking
he had been joking
we had been joking
you had been joking
they had been joking

Future perfect continuous

I was joking
you were joking
he was joking
we were joking
you were joking
they were joking



I would joke
you would joke
he would joke
we would joke
you would joke
they would joke

Present continuous

I would be joking
you would be joking
he would be joking
we would be joking
you would be joking
they would be joking


I would have joked
you would have joked
he would have joked
we would have joked
you would have joked
they would have joked

Past continuous

I would have been joking
you would have been joking
he would have been joking
we would have been joking
you would have been joking
they would have been joking

Imperative Infinitive Яндекс.Метрика


Let's joke


to joke