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Вы ввели слово: "PICKLE"

соленый, огурец, огурец, огурчик, шалун, озорник, рассол, маринад, соленье, солений, Пикель, замариновать, законсервировать, засолить, протравить, засаливать, квасить, консервированный

ind con imp inf

Реализовано с помощью сервиса «API «Яндекс.Словарь»


pickled cucumber cucumber naughty brine marinade marinate preserve salt etch sour



I pickle
you pickle
he pickles
we pickle
you pickle
they pickle

Present continuous

I am pickling
you are pickling
he is pickling
we are pickling
you are pickling
they are pickling

Past simple

I have pickled
you have pickled
he has pickled
we have pickled
you have pickled
they have pickled

Past continuous

I have been pickling
you have been pickling
he has been pickling
we have been pickling
you have been pickling
they have been pickling

Present perfect

I will pickle
you will pickle
he will pickle
we will pickle
you will pickle
they will pickle

Present perfect continuous

I will be pickling
you will be pickling
he will be pickling
we will be pickling
you will be pickling
they will be pickling

Past perfect

I will have pickled
you will have pickled
he will have pickled
we will have pickled
you will have pickled
they will have pickled

Past perfect continuous

I will have been pickling
you will have been pickling
he will have been pickling
we will have been pickling
you will have been pickling
they will have been pickling


I pickled
you pickled
he pickled
we pickled
you pickled
they pickled

Future continuous

I had pickled
you had pickled
he had pickled
we had pickled
you had pickled
they had pickled

Future perfect

I had been pickling
you had been pickling
he had been pickling
we had been pickling
you had been pickling
they had been pickling

Future perfect continuous

I was pickling
you were pickling
he was pickling
we were pickling
you were pickling
they were pickling



I would pickle
you would pickle
he would pickle
we would pickle
you would pickle
they would pickle

Present continuous

I would be pickling
you would be pickling
he would be pickling
we would be pickling
you would be pickling
they would be pickling


I would have pickled
you would have pickled
he would have pickled
we would have pickled
you would have pickled
they would have pickled

Past continuous

I would have been pickling
you would have been pickling
he would have been pickling
we would have been pickling
you would have been pickling
they would have been pickling

Imperative Infinitive Яндекс.Метрика


Let's pickle


to pickle