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Английский спрягатель | Испанский спрягатель | французский спрягатель

Вы ввели слово: "PILE"

куча, груда, кучка, нагромождение, ворох, свая, кипа, штабель, стопка, пачка, стопочка, ворс, геморрой, отвал, складывать, сложить, нагромождать, навалить, нагромоздить, громоздить, навалиться, свайный

ind con imp inf

Реализовано с помощью сервиса «API «Яндекс.Словарь»


heap piling bale stack nap hemorrhoids dumps fold fall



I pile
you pile
he piles
we pile
you pile
they pile

Present continuous

I am piling
you are piling
he is piling
we are piling
you are piling
they are piling

Past simple

I have piled
you have piled
he has piled
we have piled
you have piled
they have piled

Past continuous

I have been piling
you have been piling
he has been piling
we have been piling
you have been piling
they have been piling

Present perfect

I will pile
you will pile
he will pile
we will pile
you will pile
they will pile

Present perfect continuous

I will be piling
you will be piling
he will be piling
we will be piling
you will be piling
they will be piling

Past perfect

I will have piled
you will have piled
he will have piled
we will have piled
you will have piled
they will have piled

Past perfect continuous

I will have been piling
you will have been piling
he will have been piling
we will have been piling
you will have been piling
they will have been piling


I piled
you piled
he piled
we piled
you piled
they piled

Future continuous

I had piled
you had piled
he had piled
we had piled
you had piled
they had piled

Future perfect

I had been piling
you had been piling
he had been piling
we had been piling
you had been piling
they had been piling

Future perfect continuous

I was piling
you were piling
he was piling
we were piling
you were piling
they were piling



I would pile
you would pile
he would pile
we would pile
you would pile
they would pile

Present continuous

I would be piling
you would be piling
he would be piling
we would be piling
you would be piling
they would be piling


I would have piled
you would have piled
he would have piled
we would have piled
you would have piled
they would have piled

Past continuous

I would have been piling
you would have been piling
he would have been piling
we would have been piling
you would have been piling
they would have been piling

Imperative Infinitive Яндекс.Метрика


Let's pile


to pile