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Вы ввели слово: "SATURATE"

насыщать, насытить, наполнить, напитать, напитывать, пропитывать, пропитать, переполнять, насыщенней

ind con imp inf

Реализовано с помощью сервиса «API «Яндекс.Словарь»


sate fill impregnate overfill



I saturate
you saturate
he saturates
we saturate
you saturate
they saturate

Present continuous

I am saturating
you are saturating
he is saturating
we are saturating
you are saturating
they are saturating

Past simple

I have saturated
you have saturated
he has saturated
we have saturated
you have saturated
they have saturated

Past continuous

I have been saturating
you have been saturating
he has been saturating
we have been saturating
you have been saturating
they have been saturating

Present perfect

I will saturate
you will saturate
he will saturate
we will saturate
you will saturate
they will saturate

Present perfect continuous

I will be saturating
you will be saturating
he will be saturating
we will be saturating
you will be saturating
they will be saturating

Past perfect

I will have saturated
you will have saturated
he will have saturated
we will have saturated
you will have saturated
they will have saturated

Past perfect continuous

I will have been saturating
you will have been saturating
he will have been saturating
we will have been saturating
you will have been saturating
they will have been saturating


I saturated
you saturated
he saturated
we saturated
you saturated
they saturated

Future continuous

I had saturated
you had saturated
he had saturated
we had saturated
you had saturated
they had saturated

Future perfect

I had been saturating
you had been saturating
he had been saturating
we had been saturating
you had been saturating
they had been saturating

Future perfect continuous

I was saturating
you were saturating
he was saturating
we were saturating
you were saturating
they were saturating



I would saturate
you would saturate
he would saturate
we would saturate
you would saturate
they would saturate

Present continuous

I would be saturating
you would be saturating
he would be saturating
we would be saturating
you would be saturating
they would be saturating


I would have saturated
you would have saturated
he would have saturated
we would have saturated
you would have saturated
they would have saturated

Past continuous

I would have been saturating
you would have been saturating
he would have been saturating
we would have been saturating
you would have been saturating
they would have been saturating

Imperative Infinitive Яндекс.Метрика


Let's saturate


to saturate