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Английский спрягатель | Испанский спрягатель | французский спрягатель

Вы ввели слово: "SPELL"

заклинание, чары, заклятие, заклятье, колдовство, период, приступ, орфография, правописание, произношение, проверка, правописания, буквы, обаяние, означать, писать, написать, завораживать, околдовать, сформулировать, писать, по, буквам, произнести, по, буквам, по, буквам

ind con imp inf

Реализовано с помощью сервиса «API «Яндекс.Словарь»


incantation enchantment curse magic period attack spelling pronunciation lettering charm mean write bewitch



I spell
you spell
he spells
we spell
you spell
they spell

Present continuous

I am spelling
you are spelling
he is spelling
we are spelling
you are spelling
they are spelling

Past simple

I have spelled, spelt
you have spelled, spelt
he has spelled, spelt
we have spelled, spelt
you have spelled, spelt
they have spelled, spelt

Past continuous

I have been spelling
you have been spelling
he has been spelling
we have been spelling
you have been spelling
they have been spelling

Present perfect

I will spell
you will spell
he will spell
we will spell
you will spell
they will spell

Present perfect continuous

I will be spelling
you will be spelling
he will be spelling
we will be spelling
you will be spelling
they will be spelling

Past perfect

I will have spelled, spelt
you will have spelled, spelt
he will have spelled, spelt
we will have spelled, spelt
you will have spelled, spelt
they will have spelled, spelt

Past perfect continuous

I will have been spelling
you will have been spelling
he will have been spelling
we will have been spelling
you will have been spelling
they will have been spelling


I spelled, spelt
you spelled, spelt
he spelled, spelt
we spelled, spelt
you spelled, spelt
they spelled, spelt

Future continuous

I had spelled, spelt
you had spelled, spelt
he had spelled, spelt
we had spelled, spelt
you had spelled, spelt
they had spelled, spelt

Future perfect

I had been spelling
you had been spelling
he had been spelling
we had been spelling
you had been spelling
they had been spelling

Future perfect continuous

I was spelling
you were spelling
he was spelling
we were spelling
you were spelling
they were spelling



I would spell
you would spell
he would spell
we would spell
you would spell
they would spell

Present continuous

I would be spelling
you would be spelling
he would be spelling
we would be spelling
you would be spelling
they would be spelling


I would have spelled, spelt
you would have spelled, spelt
he would have spelled, spelt
we would have spelled, spelt
you would have spelled, spelt
they would have spelled, spelt

Past continuous

I would have been spelling
you would have been spelling
he would have been spelling
we would have been spelling
you would have been spelling
they would have been spelling

Imperative Infinitive Яндекс.Метрика


Let's spell


to spell