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Английский спрягатель | Испанский спрягатель | французский спрягатель

Вы ввели слово: "THIN"

тонкий, тоненький, тончайший, более, тонкий, худой, худощавый, тощий, худенький, стройный, разреженный, полупустой, узкий, тонкостенный, маломощный, редеть, поредеть, истончаться, худеть, утончать, утончить, прореживать, проредить, тонко, тонкий, слой

ind con imp inf

Реализовано с помощью сервиса «API «Яндекс.Словарь»


slim fine more subtle skinny lean slender sparse narrow weak recede weight refine finely thin layer



I thin
you thin
he thins
we thin
you thin
they thin

Present continuous

I am thinning
you are thinning
he is thinning
we are thinning
you are thinning
they are thinning

Past simple

I have thinned
you have thinned
he has thinned
we have thinned
you have thinned
they have thinned

Past continuous

I have been thinning
you have been thinning
he has been thinning
we have been thinning
you have been thinning
they have been thinning

Present perfect

I will thin
you will thin
he will thin
we will thin
you will thin
they will thin

Present perfect continuous

I will be thinning
you will be thinning
he will be thinning
we will be thinning
you will be thinning
they will be thinning

Past perfect

I will have thinned
you will have thinned
he will have thinned
we will have thinned
you will have thinned
they will have thinned

Past perfect continuous

I will have been thinning
you will have been thinning
he will have been thinning
we will have been thinning
you will have been thinning
they will have been thinning


I thinned
you thinned
he thinned
we thinned
you thinned
they thinned

Future continuous

I had thinned
you had thinned
he had thinned
we had thinned
you had thinned
they had thinned

Future perfect

I had been thinning
you had been thinning
he had been thinning
we had been thinning
you had been thinning
they had been thinning

Future perfect continuous

I was thinning
you were thinning
he was thinning
we were thinning
you were thinning
they were thinning



I would thin
you would thin
he would thin
we would thin
you would thin
they would thin

Present continuous

I would be thinning
you would be thinning
he would be thinning
we would be thinning
you would be thinning
they would be thinning


I would have thinned
you would have thinned
he would have thinned
we would have thinned
you would have thinned
they would have thinned

Past continuous

I would have been thinning
you would have been thinning
he would have been thinning
we would have been thinning
you would have been thinning
they would have been thinning

Imperative Infinitive Яндекс.Метрика


Let's thin


to thin