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Вы ввели слово: "MALFUNCTION"

неисправность, сбой, неполадки, отказ, неполадка, поломка, неправильное, срабатывание, неисправная, работа, неправильная, работа, неправильное, функционирование, нарушение, работы, нарушение, функционирования, нарушение, дисфункция, нарушение, функции, нарушение, работоспособности, работать, неправильно, работать, со, сбоями, работать, неисправно

ind con imp inf

Реализовано с помощью сервиса «API «Яндекс.Словарь»


fault failure trouble breakage incorrect operation disruptions violation dysfunction run correctly



I malfunction
you malfunction
he malfunctions
we malfunction
you malfunction
they malfunction

Present continuous

I am malfunctioning
you are malfunctioning
he is malfunctioning
we are malfunctioning
you are malfunctioning
they are malfunctioning

Past simple

I have malfunctioned
you have malfunctioned
he has malfunctioned
we have malfunctioned
you have malfunctioned
they have malfunctioned

Past continuous

I have been malfunctioning
you have been malfunctioning
he has been malfunctioning
we have been malfunctioning
you have been malfunctioning
they have been malfunctioning

Present perfect

I will malfunction
you will malfunction
he will malfunction
we will malfunction
you will malfunction
they will malfunction

Present perfect continuous

I will be malfunctioning
you will be malfunctioning
he will be malfunctioning
we will be malfunctioning
you will be malfunctioning
they will be malfunctioning

Past perfect

I will have malfunctioned
you will have malfunctioned
he will have malfunctioned
we will have malfunctioned
you will have malfunctioned
they will have malfunctioned

Past perfect continuous

I will have been malfunctioning
you will have been malfunctioning
he will have been malfunctioning
we will have been malfunctioning
you will have been malfunctioning
they will have been malfunctioning


I malfunctioned
you malfunctioned
he malfunctioned
we malfunctioned
you malfunctioned
they malfunctioned

Future continuous

I had malfunctioned
you had malfunctioned
he had malfunctioned
we had malfunctioned
you had malfunctioned
they had malfunctioned

Future perfect

I had been malfunctioning
you had been malfunctioning
he had been malfunctioning
we had been malfunctioning
you had been malfunctioning
they had been malfunctioning

Future perfect continuous

I was malfunctioning
you were malfunctioning
he was malfunctioning
we were malfunctioning
you were malfunctioning
they were malfunctioning



I would malfunction
you would malfunction
he would malfunction
we would malfunction
you would malfunction
they would malfunction

Present continuous

I would be malfunctioning
you would be malfunctioning
he would be malfunctioning
we would be malfunctioning
you would be malfunctioning
they would be malfunctioning


I would have malfunctioned
you would have malfunctioned
he would have malfunctioned
we would have malfunctioned
you would have malfunctioned
they would have malfunctioned

Past continuous

I would have been malfunctioning
you would have been malfunctioning
he would have been malfunctioning
we would have been malfunctioning
you would have been malfunctioning
they would have been malfunctioning

Imperative Infinitive Яндекс.Метрика


Let's malfunction


to malfunction