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Английский спрягатель | Испанский спрягатель | французский спрягатель

Вы ввели слово: "TROUBLE"

беда, несчастье, тревога, беспокойство, неблагополучие, неприятность, трудность, труд, затруднение, проблема, сложность, хлопоты, неисправность, неполадки, скорбь, горесть, забота, смута, невзгод, неурядица, передряга, беспокоить, тревожить, утруждать, побеспокоить, смущать, смутить, беспокоиться, трудный, проблемный

ind con imp inf

Реализовано с помощью сервиса «API «Яндекс.Словарь»


misfortune anxiety concern disadvantage difficulty problem hassle fault malfunction sorrow care turmoil disorder scrape bother worry confuse



I trouble
you trouble
he troubles
we trouble
you trouble
they trouble

Present continuous

I am troubling
you are troubling
he is troubling
we are troubling
you are troubling
they are troubling

Past simple

I have troubled
you have troubled
he has troubled
we have troubled
you have troubled
they have troubled

Past continuous

I have been troubling
you have been troubling
he has been troubling
we have been troubling
you have been troubling
they have been troubling

Present perfect

I will trouble
you will trouble
he will trouble
we will trouble
you will trouble
they will trouble

Present perfect continuous

I will be troubling
you will be troubling
he will be troubling
we will be troubling
you will be troubling
they will be troubling

Past perfect

I will have troubled
you will have troubled
he will have troubled
we will have troubled
you will have troubled
they will have troubled

Past perfect continuous

I will have been troubling
you will have been troubling
he will have been troubling
we will have been troubling
you will have been troubling
they will have been troubling


I troubled
you troubled
he troubled
we troubled
you troubled
they troubled

Future continuous

I had troubled
you had troubled
he had troubled
we had troubled
you had troubled
they had troubled

Future perfect

I had been troubling
you had been troubling
he had been troubling
we had been troubling
you had been troubling
they had been troubling

Future perfect continuous

I was troubling
you were troubling
he was troubling
we were troubling
you were troubling
they were troubling



I would trouble
you would trouble
he would trouble
we would trouble
you would trouble
they would trouble

Present continuous

I would be troubling
you would be troubling
he would be troubling
we would be troubling
you would be troubling
they would be troubling


I would have troubled
you would have troubled
he would have troubled
we would have troubled
you would have troubled
they would have troubled

Past continuous

I would have been troubling
you would have been troubling
he would have been troubling
we would have been troubling
you would have been troubling
they would have been troubling

Imperative Infinitive Яндекс.Метрика


Let's trouble


to trouble