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Английский спрягатель | Испанский спрягатель | французский спрягатель

Вы ввели слово: "NURTURE"

воспитывать, взращивать, воспитать, взрастить, растить, вырастить, выращивать, культивировать, питать, подпитывать, насыщать, обучать, лелеять, вынашивать, вскармливать, вскормить, кормить, выкармливать, заботиться, опекать, пестовать, выпестовать, оберегать, выращивание, взращивание, воспитание, питание

ind con imp inf

Реализовано с помощью сервиса «API «Яндекс.Словарь»


educate cultivate grow raise nourish saturate teach cherish bear feed nurse take care patronize foster protect growing upbringing nutrition



I nurture
you nurture
he nurtures
we nurture
you nurture
they nurture

Present continuous

I am nurturing
you are nurturing
he is nurturing
we are nurturing
you are nurturing
they are nurturing

Past simple

I have nurtured
you have nurtured
he has nurtured
we have nurtured
you have nurtured
they have nurtured

Past continuous

I have been nurturing
you have been nurturing
he has been nurturing
we have been nurturing
you have been nurturing
they have been nurturing

Present perfect

I will nurture
you will nurture
he will nurture
we will nurture
you will nurture
they will nurture

Present perfect continuous

I will be nurturing
you will be nurturing
he will be nurturing
we will be nurturing
you will be nurturing
they will be nurturing

Past perfect

I will have nurtured
you will have nurtured
he will have nurtured
we will have nurtured
you will have nurtured
they will have nurtured

Past perfect continuous

I will have been nurturing
you will have been nurturing
he will have been nurturing
we will have been nurturing
you will have been nurturing
they will have been nurturing


I nurtured
you nurtured
he nurtured
we nurtured
you nurtured
they nurtured

Future continuous

I had nurtured
you had nurtured
he had nurtured
we had nurtured
you had nurtured
they had nurtured

Future perfect

I had been nurturing
you had been nurturing
he had been nurturing
we had been nurturing
you had been nurturing
they had been nurturing

Future perfect continuous

I was nurturing
you were nurturing
he was nurturing
we were nurturing
you were nurturing
they were nurturing



I would nurture
you would nurture
he would nurture
we would nurture
you would nurture
they would nurture

Present continuous

I would be nurturing
you would be nurturing
he would be nurturing
we would be nurturing
you would be nurturing
they would be nurturing


I would have nurtured
you would have nurtured
he would have nurtured
we would have nurtured
you would have nurtured
they would have nurtured

Past continuous

I would have been nurturing
you would have been nurturing
he would have been nurturing
we would have been nurturing
you would have been nurturing
they would have been nurturing

Imperative Infinitive Яндекс.Метрика


Let's nurture


to nurture